Thursday 4 June 2009

Kelly Marks Demo at Plumpton

Picture with Kelly

Saturday was the long awaited Kelly Marks clinic at Plumpton Agricultural College.

Julie and I had volunteered to help and when we eventually arrived the hard work started
preparing for the evenings demonstrations.

The evening started with a Join Up with a very nervous pony called Ivy. Ivy had to be so heavily
sedated to be clipped that she was building up resistance to the drugs. After the Join Up and
some desensitisation she was much more accepting of the clippers even though there was
obviously more work to be done.

Next up were run-ins with Pie and Caesar to very emotional tunes, namely “Simply the Best” and
the music from “Black Beauty” followed by some fabulous ridden demonstrations with Kelly and
Rosie Jones, who is fast becoming a rising star in the IH organisation.

Kelly and Rosie demonstrated techniques for accurate jumping and collection in canter and some
fabulous riding displays, some with very spooky objects on board; an open umbrella and a huge
cape! Both Pie and Caesar behaved impeccably, save for a massive buck from Pie which nearly
unseated Kelly.

Time for a burger and chips next, followed by loading demonstrations. One of these was with Ivy
again who really looked nervous about the lorry. Patience won the day as always though, and Ivy
became so confident in the lorry that she even loaded without a lead rope. Kelly later remarked
that this was one of the best results she’d had loading, and was a fitting way to end the tour.

All in all a good time was had by all, and once again Intelligent Horsmanship came up with an
evening that gave even seasoned Kelly and Monty fans something to take away with them.

Wednesday 3 June 2009

Intelligent Horsemanship Foundation Course

Very exciting news. I’ve finally bitten the bullet and booked up on a 5 day Kelly Marks Foundation
course. This will be held at Ian Vandenberghe’s farm in Witney, Oxfordshire in September.
Topics covered include; Join Up, Follow Up, First saddle, Long reining and Dually halter work. I will also be able to
take a riding assessment and do Join Up with Molly.
Completing the course will give me points towards future certification of the Monty Roberts
methods and working towards becoming a Recommended Associate.

Ride to school

Ride to school image

On horseback was just one of the unusual ways children in Ferring arrived at school last week.
Youngsters at Ferring Primary in Sea Lane took part in "walk to school week", aimed at
encouraging them not to rely on cars to get them to school.

Pupils Tanisha Law and Georgia Cochran really used their imaginations, arriving on horses
Barney and Domino.

Gill Silk, the head teacher, said: "Throughout the year, the school's environmentally friendly
culture encourages children to get to school under their own steam instead of being delivered by
car, and they regularly use bikes, scooters, roller skates, roller blades and so on, as well as
relying on good old walking".
"But, West Sussex County Council's walk to school week provides a particular focus and
exercises the children’s imagination on some more unusual ways of travelling to and from

Another aspect of the week was road safety, with activities including a road safety quiz and a
special road safety assembly.

Reproduced from the Worthing Herald -

Tuesday 2 June 2009

Fructan levels in pasture

A very good article from Kentucky Equine Research about sugar levels, inc fructans, in grass. Useful information for owners of horses/ponies with a tendency to suffer from laminitis and/or colics. Click here for more info

Tuesday 26 May 2009

More Tanisha jumping pictures

Three clear rounds on Bank Holiday Monday



Monday 11 May 2009

Hacking in the woods today - 11th May 2009

Went for a super hack today in the woods with my friend Kirsty and her horse Liam. Both horses behaved superbly and we had a fast canter on the way back across the common....and the bluebells were still out. All in all, a very good day :)

In the Woods

Sunday 10 May 2009

Classical versus modern dressage

..and the damage "incorrect schooling" does to our horses. Watched a video on Friday by German vet, Gerd Heuschmann. He's written a book, Tug of War, which is about the damage some of us unintentionally do to our horses by the way we school them. To cut a long and complicated story short, modern dressage schooling methods may be damaging our horses health by forcing them to go in an outline before their skeletomuscular development is able to cope. Also Grand Prix dressage marks are being awarded for spectacular trots etc rather than good pacing, to the detriment of the horses and the discipline of dressage in general. Watch the video, buy or borrow the book but please find out more for the sake of your horse.

Link to Gerd Heuschmann's site

New foal on the yard

We had a new arrival on Saturday morning. Jessie gave birth to Elektra a very pretty girl. Mum is very proud and we're all extremely happy and relieved that all went well.

Mare and Foal1

Mare and Foal2

Mare and Foal3

More Molly pictures - Loose schooling





Tuesday 5 May 2009

If you go down to the woods today....

Angmering woods looked very much like this last weekend - Stunning? It doesn't get much better!

Friday 1 May 2009

First time gallop

Very exciting. Just galloped on Molly. The first time ever that I've galloped on a horse. It felt *fast* but controllable. Molly slowed down as soon as I asked which is good!

She tends to get very excitable when out with more than one other horse. Guess that's something I'll just have to work on.

Friday 17 April 2009